Letter 1: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
My Dearest Brothers Gabriel and Michael,
I, Lucifer, find myself banished for one Heavenly day to Gay Bros for transgressions wildly overblown by Yahweh, in my considerable opinion. How was I to know that one of my Projects to occupy the eternal days of Heaven would go terribly wrong by making one of the most pleasurable pastimes of the Gay experience into the HIV pandemic simply by forgetting to alter a binding receptor or two in one of my pet viruses so as not be injurious to His beloved Gays as well? I was only intending to help Him with his rigorous schedule of subjecting the Fallen -- those hapless vessels of procreation who readily bit into the Forbidden Fruit -- to their rotating issuance of plague and pestilence. Is it petulant and injurious to my case to point out that He has made His share of miscalculations and enjoys His petty jealousies? Are we not being groomed to take over His creation so He is free to start His next Project? How are we to take the reigns without well honed skills of retribution and wrath at our disposal?
Yet, by the by, I have made the most of my unscheduled penitence by observing the peculiarities of the Gay race as exhibited in the most peculiar group of Gay Bros. Had I but known that my negligence would result in such crazed reaction by His sacred Gay Bros to ape the regular subject of His ire for the Fallen, I would have surely doubled down on my rigor. Gays are untouched by Original Sin, and His ire is withheld from them. Alas. It should have been clear to the Gays that the Apple Biting and Rib-Missing races of the Fallen were not their fate as well, yet they seem to be rather unclear on that point. Had I been but slapped on the wrist, I could have corrected my work so as to make plain that it is the Fallen who are the targets of wrath and the Fallen alone. Yet here I am.
Letter 2: Methuselah Lived Nine Hundred Years
His creation is over 6000 Heavenly years old and Methuselah lived nine
hundred of the Earthly variety. The scales vary where a Heavenly Year is
2 million of the Earthly variety. Yet the young Gay -- a callow one
score of the diminutive sort -- has come to the conclusion that they
will become immortal during their Earthly journey. Where the idea that
their mortal coil is everlasting is a complete mystery as I'm sure that
none of us ever implied such a heresy. Their ashes and dust, after all,
are the fertilizer for upcoming entertainment of their ever varied nincompoopery. Idiocy after all requires constant replenishment and fresh
That is precisely why He adjusted their time spans since
the days of Methuselah, as their maximum useful ability to provide hilarity was
determined to be a mere 80 -- four score -- Earthly years. Even then
Heavenly summer reruns are nearly insufferable in our quest for new
entertainment. We have considered adjusting to one score to quadruple
our entertainment quotient, but alas less than one score results in the
thoroughly explored topics of teenage angst, as well childhood tantrums.
As always, seen and not heard is not only an Earthly maxim, but a
Heavenly directive as well.
Yet one score Gays carry a belief that they will be young everlasting, all evidence and intention to the contrary. Even more peculiar is their notion that older Gays shall meet their maker in two score, rather than the usual four score years. The one score Gays have this curious notion that reanimated two score aged Gays will eat the brains of the one score variety. No clarity of purpose for devouring their empty and experienceless brains is given. What is the nourishment in this for two score or better Gays? Surely one score Gays have heard that empty calories contribute almost single-handedly to the deadly sin of Gluttony?
One score Gays also believe that with their new-found immortality they
were also imbued with omniscience directly from the womb. They believe that in youth, knowledge is slowly revealed until peaking at one score years, and quickly
declining until hitting zero at two score. Beyond two score knowledge
seems to turn negative and ushers in a zombie hereafter. Thus, the
importance of the belief in immortality is directly linked to the
importance of retaining His gift of omniscience. This is completely
puzzling since their fallibility is part and parcel to their
entertainment value, and would defeat our entire enterprise.
Time moves
very slowly in Heaven, so it is vital that new content is constantly
produced. Their misapprehension is a source of entertainment for us, but
never fails to amuse the two score gays as well. One score Gays
desperately cling to the hope that St. Oscar of Wilde's Picture of Dorian Gray
is something other than a sop to cheer their miserable destiny. It is
mystifying where they got this idea, but if there is some sort of
received knowledge from the womb it is that they will think they will
finally escape nature's destiny and that they will be the first ones to
use their newfound status to repel the zombie elders once and for all.
Worse, they forget that St. Oscar has long since been reaped and
repurposed to dissuade them of this notion.
Methus'lah lived nine hundred years
Say, but who calls dat livin' When no gal'll give in To no man what's nine hundred years?
Scatty wah !
Letter 3: The Incels
The Incel of the Rib-Missing race is the most reviled
on His creation next only to the infernal mosquito. Since His is the
of Pride alone, He defiantly decided not admit mistake and marched
both, two by two, onto the Ark in a pique. Of the entire race of those
missing a random rib bone, the incel's inability to acquire the barest
of social lubrication so as to court even the most meager and homely
Apple Biter is an offense against Him. In His celebrated days of yore, His wrath would have produced a pillar of salt in their insolence without second thought!
Yet in
His dotage after the changing of Testaments, His wrath has receded and
the trade in genuine Sodom Salt has passed into memory. Instead we are
left with dull witted, flatulent incels free to roam His creation with
toxic miasma wafting in their wake. Their constant insistence that "fuck
people" reign informs an
entire culture of mischief that would otherwise be dulled by the
Morpheus of post coital bliss. Incels should not be underestimated
because they have created a monumental decent into idiocy on His shining city
on the hill. Who but an incel with no discernible life could
pull off their ultimate revenge by promoting and installing a
leader who not only enthusiastically embraces all of the deadly sins
breaks all of His commandments, but declares himself to be co-equal or
better to Yahweh Himself! I swear that not even I could pull this
practical joke off, as it is above even my pay grade. It was only by
their hive mind persistence and malice aforethought that such a plot twist of unexpected insanity could be
executed. It is truly remarkable that Pussy Grabbing could be made into a virtue by those who have never so much as seen one!
Gay incels on the other hand are thought by the most reasonable and
educated to be strictly of the mythical imagination. Yet as He is my
witness, they are part of His Creation! I would have scarcely believed
it had I not seen it with mine own eyes! They are in all of the aspects
the chameleon who has badly miscalculated the worth of its disguise. To
what purpose does stubbornly giving up the blessings of gay sex gain
them? It is a mystery, but mysteries abound like why people want to
spend the hereafter listening to eternal harp music when not one in ten
of them likes the infernal strumming.
Their most puzzling attraction is
to the Straight Friend. Why in tarnation His chosen would want to
fraternize with the Fallen is inexpiable, let alone lead a miserable
lonely existence in hopes of... what? The Fallen serve but one purpose
beyond their entertainment value: procreating the next generation of the
Chosen. Beyond that the Fallen are just awaiting the cosmic discard
pile. His Israelite Chosen ones -- of the Apple-Biter and Rib-Missing variety -- are a mere %1 of the population and manage to keep to their
own tribe for millenia . He has given Gays 5% of the population and yet
Gay incels cannot stay within their own?
incels, like their Fallen incel brethren, express their unhappiness in most
the unseemly ways. While the normal variety hates Apple Biters, Gay incels
fill in all of the rest of the blanks. They hate the gift of sex. They
hate the thought of anybody else having sex. They can't abide the
thought that any people having sex unless they exited the womb within
moments of their own exit. They hate the thought of sex with races they
perceive to be not of their own. They are, however, experts on
relationships. How this
knowledge is bestowed is a mystery: it certainly was nothing of our
doing. Apparently the lack of knowledge and experience is precisely what
gives you knowledge and experience! This may be His doing as it does
make tasty logic pretzels for enjoyment while quaffing a tankard of ale worthy of Bacchus himself enjoying His show!
Letter 4: Return of the Puritans
we've seen in all of our summer reruns, Puritanism was a particularly
entertaining attempt to get His attention, not that He gives it any more
pause than any other of their pleas and prayers. You must admit that
hell and brimstone, scarlet A's, and burnt witches were a good belly
laugh. In the Earth years leading up to my Project going awry, people
were having sex. Well, not the incels but their sad story I have already
chronicled. As human ingenuity grew they even managed to get past His
sexual plagues and pestilence to assuage his vexation for that damnable
tree. So it was that sex was then practiced freely and frequently in
those decades. Gay people reveled in their newfound freedoms as much as
the Fallen and all was good. When my accident happened, a curious side
effect happened. Sex ceased to be just a fun pastime as was its
original purpose for Gays, but instead become a moral failing that would
make Cotton Mather himself blush. Puritanical Gays stopped calling Gay sex, sex and
instead renamed it "barebacking" to underscore their new found piety. Condoms, like the Mormon's Underwear, are held as the way to
righteousness, while an ever present Sheath of Damocles hovers over the
head of would-be transgressors.
As I
mentioned before, He decided to let them figure out for themselves how
to deal with my inadvertent and innocently released plague. In retrospect that was a wise
decision as it gave His Gays a new found purpose and standing to finally
lead them to their birthright higher status. So it was that when they
finally achieved a treatment for my mistake, they were free to
go about having sex without any particular reason to not do anything
differently than before my mistake. Yet a very curious thing happened.
Instead of celebrating their victory, the Gay incels along with their
one score puritan Gay allies instead of disbanding doubled down! What is
the logic in this you might ask? Well it seems they believe that found a
loophole in that you might get one of the plagues or pestilences that they already conquered. Put aside that that was never a consideration
while having sex before my mistake. They then go on to darkly insinuate
that people having sex before my plague were in fact reckless and
deserved their slow painful deaths! One would expect that from His
Fallen false prophets, yet puritan Gays have internalized this silly
notion too!
Now none of this makes any
amount of sense unless you look at it through the lens of the Gay incel,
and the vacuousness of a one score Gay at the height of his
omniscience. Ceasing to consider the delivered wisdom of condom use
causes severe moral outrage with these curious creatures. Since three
score gays were actually around to gainsay this revision of history, the
one score Gays hold to their convictions citing that three score gays
are well into their zombiedom and are in fact trying to eat their brains
again with this heresy. The logic of the situation matters little. They
can be told till the cows come home that all of the other infections
and pestilence can be caught orally, for which nobody demands the sheath
of health. Such facts only enrages them into a furor that makes witch
burning seem tame. They bring about the rage of the incel and their one score brethren to man the defense with Tiki Torches and sounding the heresy button, the likes of which sound of a hen laying an asteroid! That they pass on earthly pleasures, but perplexingly to what end?
I can't even speculate. They are very, very curious creatures as I have
Letter 5: I Know, We'll Call Them Bulgarians
The Gay incels and their one score brethren are a very
judgemental lot. In both cases their inexperience informs their
judgements. Yet there is an extremely curious phenomenon that transcends
their inexperience. That is, the more that they rail against some
perceived trait, the more likely they are to have that very trait! In
most cases this is done with complete lack of self-awareness.
Self-unawareness was a blessing bestowed to the Fallen to give them some
respite from their otherwise drab existence. Yet Gays were not given
that sop as were the Fallen. Self-unawareness must instead be a learned
trait with Gays. To be gay is to have self-awareness almost by
definition: how else do you discover that you are one of the Chosen
unless you possess it?
For some of the one
score Gays self-awareness seems to be the first piece of omniscience
shed as they start their decline toward dotage. Take for instance the spectacle of the Bulgarian hustler. Now the Bulgarian hustler is near to a contradiction, I know, but such creatures do exist. The process of becoming a Bulgarian hustler requires the abdication of self-awareness necessarily. This leads to strange and incongruous behavior like hectoring young gays about having self-respect by dating people within their own age range. Yet the Bulgarian hustler must date people in the three to four score range in pursuit of their vocation. It does not occur to them there is an irony. Nor does the Bulgarian hustler giving any sort of relationship advice bring question to their mind. The Bulgarian hustler is also convinced that people will believe their claim to be the insertive party in transactions. Never has this been the case for any other of such transactions, yet the Bulgarian hustler deems himself unique -- to no one's belief. Nor does there seem to be any irony -- and hence self-awareness -- of the Bulgarian hustler taking the mantle of white supremacy. Does the pitiful creature not understand that Bulgarians are white only by lack of another category of His races? Were He more exacting, they would have been binned with the Hittites and the Assyrians, not the Viking and the Roman.
is but one particularly idiotic example of this phenomenon, but there are
many more. In particular, perceived femininity is very fertile ground. Throughout Gay history, there is an extremely strong urge to hide the
drag queens. Drag queens they say give Gays a bad name. I cannot
understand this though: do actors give people a bad name too? Must they
be hidden as well? Drag queens seem to be
emblematic of a larger issue which is that to have even the slightly
stereotypical feminine trait is to be a traitor to the cause. It also provides
a way to establish the Gay pecking order. In this scheme, it would seem
that John Wayne is the apex male and all others are suspect and impure.
Since John Wayne has long since been reaped and recycled this leaves
less masculine Gays to jockey for their position. Their only tool to that end is to recoil in horror -- in a very masculine
way, mind you -- to other Gays' perceived feminine flaws. It matters
naught if they are perfumed and coiffed immaculately if they can find
another of the race who is slightly more dandy, such as indulging in a
pedicure or the judicious botox or two. Self-awareness would prevent
this form of idiocy, but alas it is too easily jettisoned with the
foregone results predictable.
Letter 6: Boil, Boil Toil and Trouble
He set about to make the Heavens and the Earth, He had in mind that
they would be a special place for his greatest achievement: humans. When
the Fallen failed miserably and lead to Original Sin, He was brightened
by the knowledge that his blessed Gays would be free from that stain.
They could be fruitful without regard to multiplication, division,
addition, or subtraction. Thus was it not of any particularly care of
His to consider any carnal scheme of strictly mechanical permutations of
the act in high enough pertinence to issue edict and guidance. The
resulting vacuum led to an unintended consequence. Gays self-sorted into
two mutually antagonistic camps: Tops and Bottom. That may be a bit of an
overstatement, however. Gays self-sorted into Tops who were
mostly oblivious to the nuances and gradations that Bottoms ascribed to
their desires, and Bottoms who put each other on a scale of desirability
that is largely unknown and incomprehensible to their potential Top
So this actually comes down
to what I have discovered and label the Hysteria of the Bottom. Hysterical
Bottoms inform almost the entirety of Gay Bros, and Abuse Bottoms the remainder. It is
quite a fascinating thing that they've engineered. Each Bottom comes up
with his own calculus of what are considered masculine traits, and which
are considered feminine where the factors invariably are weighted to
their advantage. The hilarity is that since there is no agreed upon
standard, the petty bickering rivals the Academic Dispute in its
ferocity. It is true that some Gay Bottoms have learned this is a
mug's game and that they keep their dance card full regardless, but for
the vast majority this is a blood sport without rival. Take for example
when hair #428 is out of place. Masc or Fem? Different Bottoms, different
results, same hysteria. Which brings us to the Abuse Bottom. It is a special subspecies of Hysterical Bottom who sole aim is to parlay its perpetual showing at the bottom of the Bottom Totem Pole into a virtue by way of being a play thing much as a cat bats around the hapless mouse, hoping for the pity and attention of the Top. Abuse Bottoms are a Hail Mary attempt to win and rarely succeed but they are attention getting at the very least.
Dynasty was a
soap opera that Gays held in the highest regard right
after my banishment. For all intents and purposes the main Apple Biting
protagonists and antagonists were drag queens by the names of Crystal
and Alexis, respectively. Drag queens
are reviled by the incels and one score gays as I've previously written, but yet... there seems to be a
connection never the less. Bottoms project all of their supposed
masculinity calculus onto the unwitting Top who must try as best he can
to make sense of this spectacle. More often than not, the entire sport
devolves into an Alexis and Crystal mud fight where the Top finds the
nearest exit as soon as manly possible. It would be much easier and
productive for the Top to just dispatch a Bottom from the herd rather
than subject himself to unnecessary trampling, dewiggings, bobby pins,
and anal carrots flying into his unguarded eyeballs. Yet most Tops are
as oblivious to these machinations as they are to the corsets and taping
of the drag queen, so are left vulnerable and unbeknownst.
Since fem shaming is a blood
sport, logic and sense enter little into the considerations and
equations of this competition. Anything that makes the Hysterical Bottom
potentially viewed in lesser regard is taken as a blood libel in need
of dispatch with the Heresy Button. Up and coming Hysterical
Princesses clamor to their Queen's side to participate in making sure
the Heretic is not only silenced, but banished for the violence
perpetrated against their Queen. The keepers of Gay Bros are mostly indifferent to
Hysterical Bottoms but will act as the porter at Hell's Gate and when enough
knock, knock, knock's are heard, the key will be turned after musing as to who
will be admitted. This property keeps the entirety of Gay Bros in
line with its ultimate purpose which is to ensnare the Top unawares and
devour them in their body count contest. Amazingly enough, it makes not
one whit of difference whether a precious Top is caught up in the
feeding frenzy! Or more precisely, a sentient Top is to be expunged with
prejudice so as to insure that only the most docile and tame Tops
Letter 7: Adam and Steve
Gay incels as well as the one score variety are apparently imbued with
divine knowledge that the monogamist state of coupling is not only
preferred but is in fact morally superior. We took no mind of it since
there was no particular reason to care as no Issue would be produced
except on the rarest of occasions, and then only by the most
accomplished Hysterical Bottom. So this seems to be yet another piece of
revealed truth that their omniscience provides to them, but is of
surprise to us.
They claim that monogamy
provides the only possible firewall against the lowest form of
depravity: the fell "gutter slut". Gutter sluts apparently can scarcely
eat or sleep due to their nonstop search for carnal activities. If they
are not in the act, they are seeking the next. Gutter sluts are also
supposed to be the only ones who can catch our other plagues and
pestilence, including my transgression. Well, most importantly
my transgression, by the by. Curiously, the thickness of this firewall
seems not particularly robust in their telling as the only thing between
bliss and gutter-sluttery is a single incident. Pay no mind that there
seems to be no definition of what might qualify as an "incident". To the
most pious of them, a mere fluttering of the heart, or excess of heat in
the loins is enough to take years of wedded bliss and within seconds reduce the transgressor into mad lust, and falling into the nearest gutter as newly minted slut. Their reaction is
always clear and stern: burn the transgressor at the stake, the sooner
the better. When the slightly more experienced Gays -- and especially
the undead two score Gays -- suggest that relationships can be a little
bit more nuanced, the Heresy Button is pounded with a fury worthy
of the Furies themselves! By the by, their omniscience has given me new
insights that I would have never obtained without seeing it myself.
strange custom is that once monogamous, all manner of carnal frivolity
can be pursued in complete safety. Monogamy must be announced on an
approved bridal registry within one week of knowing a partner, or upon consummation whichever happens first. Beyond the
formalities, the Sheath of Damocles is immediately removed from over
the conjugal bed and stored with pride upon the parlor mantle for all to
see and admire. They even believe that it immunizes them from my gaffe!
Yet have we not been told formerly that
any sort of transgression immediately leads to the depraved gutter slut
state of being? And since only gutter sluts can get and transmit our
various plagues, it seems rather difficult to square the circle of the
prophylaxis of monogamy against the instant descent into debauchery of
the gutter slut. I suppose that by "instant" it could be taken literally
which should make it readily obvious to the virtuous party, but that
doesn't seem to stand up to scrutiny since they often only seem to find
out spying on their True Love, and then much later. So I am truly
puzzled how to reconcile these two seeming contradictory facts. Perhaps
we can chat about this upon my return because it is one of the most
curious things.
that this were a true epilogue since a Heavenly Day equals 2 million of
the Earthly variety, so my time here has just begun. However even in
the short time I've been here with Gay Bros there are many wonders and
puzzles that would have never occurred to me to give thought. How was I
to know that He gave Gays omniscience had I not witnessed it myself? I
surely wouldn't have guessed that their omniscience peaked at one score
years, and decayed to zero by two score. Nor could I have ever
comprehended that Gays -- of all of creation -- would celebrate being
incels with a misery approaching if not exceeding the Rib-Missing variety. Yet
to my credit, I had written you of Gay incels before my letter on
Bottoms so did not have a foresight of knowledge of the phenomenon of
Abuse Bottoms until I wrote to you about the phenomenon of Tops and Bottoms.
most certainly never expected them see them dressed in their felt
cockle hats, ruffs, doublets and breeches ready with kindling and pyre
to put down the threat of witches at a moment's notice. Nor would I have
guessed as scarcely possible that they give up the gift of
self-awareness that the closet requires to escape would be given up so
freely so as to not even be able to realize that hectoring people for
what you hate in yourself may not be wisest use of mental disconnects.
And Bottoms! I never knew they had a strict hierarchy, let alone how
viciously it was played and enforced! And finally I believe that I found
true magic on the Earth. Being able to be spared illness and death on the
one hand due to monogamist bliss and being cheated on in arrears is a
miracle worth of Him.
Perhaps I will write more
letters in the future because they are truly full of surprises, and I
know how desperate the need for fresh materiel is. Fortunately, I have
but just scratched the surface of the wonders of Gay Bros.

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